Acrylammide info
Diet and cancerFoodnews

Acrylammide info

Acrylamide is a chemical that naturally forms in starchy food products during high-temperature cooking, including frying, baking, roasting and also industrial processing, at +120°C and low moisture. The main chemical process that causes this is…



ANALYSIS OF A FRUIT THAT IS A POWERFUL HELP FOR THE COLD SEASON, BUT ALSO HIDES DANGERS FOR THOSE TAKING DRUGS Grapefruit is a citrus fruit with a pleasantly sour taste that quenches thirst and…

water and sport

water and sport

The most important nutritional ergogenic aid for athletes is water. Exercise performance can be significantly impaired when 2% or more of body weight is lost through sweat. For example, when a 70-kg athlete loses more…

Pollution and the effect of our actions

Pollution and the effect of our actions

The effects of the human activity on the planet put not only the planet at risk, but above all the survival of our species. We must continue to evolve and improve, but we should do…

FoodFunctional Dietnews


Superfoods are mostly plant-based foods but also some fish and dairy products that are believed to be nutritionally rich and therefore good for health. Blueberries, salmon, cabbage and acai are just a few examples of…



In the diet field, there has been for some years a growing interest in the so-called “food intolerances”. Until recently from a scientific point of view they were considered unfounded and only food intolerances due…

cortisol the stress Hormon

cortisol the stress Hormon

Cortisol is a hormone involved in the stress response and in emergency situations and is important for having energy that is ready to use and to reduce inflammation. It is a life-saving hormone, but if…



Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland or epiphysis, located in the back of the brain. Clinically, it derives from a precursor amino acid, tryptophan, which is subsequently transformed into serotonin, which in…

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